Friday, July 11, 2008

I am Iron Man! More Like Ironing Man?

Never really read the Iron Man comic as a kid. I like comics that had characters with super human powers. But I guess it had a huge following. In a time when Hollywood has run out of movie ideas; anyone could guess that Iron Man was next on the list. But hearing that the movie was going to be made made no difference to me. "Another bad comic movie" I thought. Spiderman was always bad. The first one sucked....the second one was worse.....and I haven't even seen the third! But it made a bazillion dollars which goes to show the movie going public has no taste. Then there is The Hulk....the first one sucked....and looked why not make another....WTF! Seriously....

After hear the great reviews and checking IMDB (a site I trust) I decided to check out Iron Man. It was good....damn good! I like a movie that builds a story. And this movie delivers just that. I want to know the characters...and in this movie I do! Jeff Bridges play a great bad guy. And the movie gives a bit of social commentary about the world we live in.....mainly the middle east. Can you say Bonus! So yes good 10 for superhero movies? Have to see it again.

My movie Review Rating......8!


Anonymous said...

I was surprised by how good Iron Man was! And you're right, all the Spider Mans sucked!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I like the move Iron Man very much

defensive-drivingus said...

Both the movies Iron Man Part 1 & 2 are cool, dude!

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